Welcome to
Scan and Hire

Your gateway to a seamless job search experience, where creating your profile and connecting with employers has never been easier

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Get Started Today

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Create Your Profile

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Get a Job

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Get Paid

How to Start

Create your Profile

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1 - Scan the QR Code

Scan the QR code of the employer you are applying for the job. You can also use the Scan and Hire QR code to start.

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2 - Fill in Basic Info

Provide your full name, email, phone number, and address.

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3 - Complete the Biometric Facial Check

Enable your camera, follow the instructions, and the system will verify your identity.

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4 - Upload Your Documents

Upload or scan your government-issued ID such as driving license, work authorization or passport. You can use your phone to scan or computer to upload the doc.

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5 - Review and approve the background check

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6 - eSign and submit  your profile for verification

Apply for open roles

Get a Job

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1 - Select a Job

Go to the job section and choose the position you’re applying for.

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2 - Review Pre-filled Information

Your basic info from the profile will be auto-filled.

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4 - Submit Your Application

Review the job application and submit it!

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Get Paid

If you are a contractor, use Scan and Hire to get paid quickly and easily while making sure you handle your taxes right.

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What users say

"The process was super easy and fast! I applied to multiple jobs with just one profile."

Job Seeker

"Instant background checks saved me so much time—onboarded in less than a minute"

Job Seeker

"I love how seamless everything was. No need to keep re-entering my info."

Job Seeker

Create your secure profile!

Sign up with Scan and Hire and take control of your job search. This is your one-time process. Once verified, you’ll never need to fill out a new application again.

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